My New Years Resolutions for 2019….

Hello my lovelies! Wow it’s been a while since I’ve written a blog…

Normally I don’t bother with new years resolutions however I want to look back at this blog post at the end of 2019 to see if I have actually achieved any of those resolutions which will be very interesting to see in the foreseeable future.

I have set the bar quite high for 2019 but I feel like I can achieve majority of the resolutions I am about to set myself!

  1. To write more blogs –  for quite a few months now I have been focusing more on my blogging instagram account rather than typing up blogs on here, so next year I would like a lot more of my blogging content to be up on my blog as well as my instagram account. (I also really miss writing!)
  2. To find a full time job that I’m happy and content with –Some of you may know that I graduated with a Criminology (policing) degree back in July however, since graduating I have found the field of work I hope to get into very difficult. I got a  part time job not too long after I graduated from uni and I’m still working there now. I just feel like I can achieve so much more… So in 2019 I hope to find a job that I’m more happier in.
  3. To believe in myself more – Particularly the last half of this year has been a challenge personally for me. I’ve had a lot of knock backs from various jobs that I was convinced I had a good chance of getting. I found on every knock back it REALLY affected me to the point where I just wanted to give up with my dream job because I didn’t think I was intelligent enough for it or that it wasn’t achievable. I’ve just been in such a negative mindset which has taken over my life completely. So for 2019, even if I have another 50 hurdles to overcome before I achieve what I want to achieve, then so be it. I want to believe in myself more, instead of questioning my ability to achieve anything.
  4. The stereotypical eat healthy/exercise more resolution – I think pretty much majority of people have this resolution but it’s something I genuinely want to work on more.
  5. To travel more – I already have a trip away to Dublin and Edinburgh booked for next year however, I would also love to travel to new countries I haven’t been to before. This resolution doesn’t necessarily have to be all in one year but I just really enjoy travelling so this would be fabulous.
  6. To feel happier in myself – This year has been a rollercoaster of emotions due to various factors, the start of the year was my last few months left at university and the work load (particularly the dissertation) really did take a toll on my mental health. However, graduating from university in a course I’ve always been passionate about has to be one of my proudest moments, an experience I’ll forever be glad I done. From graduating up until now, my life has just been all over the place so for 2019, I hope to feel a bit more settled and positive which would make me so much more happier.
  7. To carry on with driving lessons and hopefully pass my test – This is quite an ambitious resolution for me, I had my first driving lesson back in the summer – Yes I’m one of those people who has only started driving lessons at the age of 22, purely because I’ve always wanted to fund driving lessons myself, so now that I’ve finished education, better late than never right? Anyway, my driving lessons was going really well however, at the end of October I moved into a new flat with my boyfriend which meant I couldn’t afford lessons anymore. This sort of relates back to resolution about finding a better job so that I can pay rent as well as afford driving lessons. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love having a flat with the person I love and I was willing to give up driving lessons to have our own place which was completely my decision. So for 2019, I hope to get back into driving lessons once I can afford it again and once I find a new instructor as I now live in a completely new area.
  8. To meet new people and believe that change is good – 2018 has been the year where I had to be selfish and put myself first for once for the sake of my happiness. I’ve lost quite a few friends this year not because we had fallen out or anything, but mainly because we either naturally lost contact which happens to everyone at some point. Or because I felt that it would be easier not to have a friendship which I wasn’t happy in for many different reasons. I would be lying if I didn’t say I have felt very lonely this year, losing people who you thought would be in your life forever really is difficult. There has been times where I want to instantly message the friends I’ve lost because they were a huge part of my life so of course there will always be a part of me that misses those people and the memories with them despite how my friendship ended with them. I heard this quote the other day which is so true ‘Friendship is not about who you’ve known the longest, It’s about who walked into your life, said “I’m here for you” and proved it’. So for 2019, I want to believe more that change is good and letting new people into my life isn’t such a bad thing.

There we go! Those are my 8 New Years Resolutions that I hope to achieve for 2019, I’m looking forward to looking back at the resolutions listed above to see how much my life has changed this time next year.

Overall 2018 has had its ups and downs just like any year, but graduating from university will forever be the proudest memory from this year.

And finally I just want to wish each and every single one of you a Happy new year!

Char xxx

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